Prohibition Approaching Zina
Man was created by God for a couple of men and women. Human between men and women equipped by God a different kind of sex drive, which one is complementary to the other party. In childhood sexual urges, especially relating to coitus (intercourse), things indeed not yet felt. But after the children in their teens, when the organ began to mature, the need for coitus is a natural requirement, namely as the fulfillment of basic urge of sex. Only, in this sexual conduct of public life needs to be regulated, because the norms that must be respected and retained. If growth coitus implemented before marriage, that's adultery.
Islam nenegaskan that adultery is a road that deviate in the disbursement of sexual appetite. Zina can obscure descent, megancam households and communities. In addition, having sex outside marriage have an impact on the incidence of venereal diseases. Because as a result of such a magnitude, Islam strictly prohibits fornication.
Allah SWT. said:
Meaning: and jaganlah nigh to fornication; in fact adultery is a heinous act. And an evil way. "(Surat al-Isra ': 32)
Sayyid Sabiq in his book "fiqhus Sunnah" suggests a negative impact fornication, namely:
1. Adultery is an act against the law and there is a maximum legal sanctions, is also dangerous and can threaten the integrity of the community.
2. Adultery is a direct cause the spread of venereal diseases that harm.
3. Zina cause damage to household, eliminating the family desires, decided knot and deteriorating education received by the children.
4. In terselib adultery elements squandered inheritance and marriage treasures to those entitled.
5. Zina is an imposition that actually happen to fornicators itself, such as pregnant outside of marriage. The adulterer (men) had to educate and care for children who legally not her son.
6. There abortion (penguguran infants) who are responsible.
In terms of health, adultery cause various illnesses and diseases that kill. Dr. John Beardstown (sexologist) said: "The indications are collected in various studies show that most of the venereal disease caused by sexual relations outside of marriage." The disease, among others:
a. Syphilis.
Syphilis is a type of disease caused by germs. The disease is also known as the lion king. Usually, transmission takes place through sexual activity is forbidden. Because pda generally alternated partner is very easy to contracting this penyakut.
b. Gonorrhea.
Although the disease is relatively harmless compared with syphilis, but he greatly feared. The cause of this disease through sexual impropriety, prostitution for example.
Syphilis and gonorrhea are diseases including gender which is very dangerous, besides Aiss people infected with syphilis whole body will feel the pain.
Syphilis have an enormous impact, especially for women who are pregnant (pregnant), because it may be striving to bai in the womb.
Babies born to couples who contracted syphilis were likely to have a miscarriage or is not intact parts of the body, such as defects ears, eyes, feet, hands and so forth.
Dr. calut Scote Nichold revealed: "Actually, the problems we are facing now is a change in ethical values that is driven by sexual relations are forbidden. This in turn, led to the development of various venereal diseases premises rapidly in patients with the disease, which is caused by sexual freedom. "
While the danger posed by the act of adultery to the community, maybe a greater than syphilis. Then what is the situation of society?
Abu A'la Al-Mauudi said: "The act of adultery is contrary to human nature. An adulterer will be used to sample the female body. This contrasts with the husband-wife relationship is ideal. Tudak relationship is legitimate, not akam menimbulakan affection and happiness among them.
One that is difficult to disankal, that their fornication resulted in the birth of illegitimate children. Usually the commission of violence and arbitrary will impinge on the children who in turn will destroy civilization. Children born of adultery usually dititikan in orphanages. This is actually in labor disturbances in children that, if it were less get the attention it deserves.
Above it was mentioned that prostitution can be categorized as fornication. Prostitution is a form of sexually abusing women and men. These acts are carried out without any legal bond. Whereas in prostitution sometimes women have been married or have a wife with his valid marriage bond.
Prostitution is sexual intercourse for men wanta or by peddling his genitals in exchange for money. This act usually, by now, be placed at a specific location by pimps (pimps). Prostitution is done openly or concealed as a form of adultery and as a profession working to earn money.
Motivation and orientation of prostitutes assortment. Among them deliberately prostituting himself, invited his friends who had already been whoring, difficulty finding work (economic constraints) or despair because of failure in the study, in addition to breaking up dating.
Moll is commonly referred to as a bias prostitute (WTS) and later evolved terms called Women of Hope. While the name for a male prostitute is male prostitutes (PTS) or term trending gigolo is found in many places of tourism. Then love for prostitutes is not the only goal, the importance of money. But there are also prostitutes feel sexual gratification with real love game, even without being paid the money.
In the commentary mentioned Ar-Razi, Ibn Abbas narrated, in fact Abdullah bin Ubay, the hypocrites, dating to the Prophet. Sambal bring cantic female slaves, namely Muadzah, then he said: "O Messenger of Allah! It is no slave to the orphans, if not exactly kalua I told to prostitution so that orphans can take the undertakings? He replied: No
In addition to the practice of adultery with a form of prostitution is Samen leven, or term response called "cohabitation." That is the practice of adultery committed by a man with a wanta like husband and wife are legitimate. This practice Lazi, it carried on as they liked, without any element of coercion.
Islam considers praktet adultery and "cohabiting" as a perbuatanzina. Islam does not permit renting out his cock freely. Islam does not allow someone tells and allow sons and daughters prostitute themselves. It has warned of God in the Qur'an:
It means: "And do not your female slaves forced to perform prostitution, while they themselves desire chastity, because you want to look for worldly gain."
Sesungguhpun so severe penalties etched for adultery, but Islam also gave a way out of the concept as a preventative measure (preventive) adultery, namely the need for strict monitoring does not provide opportunities and a place that allows the execution of adultery, especially to teenagers who generally boost sexual desire passionate, people of the opposite sex who bersunyi-mute are likely to commit an act that led to the sexual.
Prophet. said:
It means: "Do not seorng man hiding-hiding with a woman who is not lawful for him, because actually the third of them is the devil." (HR. Ahmad).
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